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Herbalosophy • Blossom Blessings

Herbalosophy • Blossom Blessings

Herbalosophy • Blossom Blessings

Herbalosophy • Blossom Blessings

Herbalosophy • Blossom Blessings

Herbalosophy • Blossom Blessings

Herbalosophy • Blossom Blessings

Herbalosophy • Blossom Blessings

Herbalosophy • Blossom Blessings

Herbalosophy • Blossom Blessings

Herbalosophy • Blossom Blessings
Natural Petal Confetti
Blossom Blessings come in two halves.



The confetti itself is made up of five flowers:
five flowers, five meanings, five wishes.
Rose, for Love
Calendula, for Health
Lavender, for Happiness
Passion flower, for Friendship 
Chamomile, for Wealth 


The second part is a gift for the bride and groom.


It is a heart shaped box covered in the same flowers and inside has a bath bag with the same flowers inside, to bath together in the good wishes, two tea bags also containing the same flowers, to drink the good wishes together, some loose petals to sprinkle around marriage bed to sleep with all the good wishes, and some love drops and chill out drops, which people find especially useful in the build up to the wedding.


The confetti comes in pretty pillow shaped boxes with a poem explaining the idea. Also in the box is a smaller heart shaped box containing the seeds of the flowers so

bath in them drink them sleep with them and grow all the good wishes together.

Contact me for your personal price and personalised package.

A flurry of flowers from Nature’s tree

Blesses your marriage for all to see:


Five sacred petals, a potent charm

Five wishes, five meanings, a heavenly balm.


Rose for Love, a white dove descending


Lavender’s freshness for Joy never ending


Sweet Chamomile’s smile, a promise of Wealth


Calendula’s token, the gold of Good Health


And Passion Flower’s purple, the pure pleasure of Friends


Are just a few of the messages Blossoms Blessings send.


So be showered, empowered, and drink deep of these treasures


And may your union be fruitful  for now and forever

Herbalosophy • Confetti Boxes
Herbalosophy • Lovers Bath Bag and Tea
Herbalosophy • Wedding Presentation Box
Herbalosophy • Your herbal medicine
Herbalosophy • Confetti Cones
Herbalosophy • Lovers Bath Bag
Herbalosophy • Blossom Blessings

Herbalosophy • Blossom Blessings

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